organic rosehip apple mixed fruit tea

1 Product

  • Organik Kuşburnu – Elma Karışık Meyve -19% Off
    Original price was: ₺ 38.00.Current price is: ₺ 30.60.

    It is offered for sale in 150 gr. packages.

    Expert Opinion

    Rosehip Rosa canina - Rosae pseudofructus
    Dried apple Malus communis - Mali communi fructus

    • Kuşburnu içerdiği meyve asitleri (başta % 0.3 civarında Askorbikasit) ve beraberinde %15 kadar pektin, Gallikasit türevleri ve az miktarda flavon glikozitleri, antosiyan, karatinoidler içerir.
    • % 100% Organic Rosehip, Apple Dried.
    • Does not contain additives and preservatives.
    • Storage Conditions: Store in the refrigerator after opening.
    • Usage Advice: 1 tablespoon rosehip apple mixed fruit tea is brewed with 1 cup boiling water for 10 minutes. After straining, it is ready to drink. Coffee machines can be preferred for best results.