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₺ 80.00
Sold in 50 gr. packages.
Expert Opinion
Plant: Salvia triloba
Contents: % 100 Sage. No additives and preservatives.- Storage Conditions: Store in the refrigerator after opening.
- Usage Advice: 1 tablespoon of sage is brewed with 1 cup boiling water for 10 minutes. After straining, it is ready to drink. Coffee machines can be preferred for best results.
- Contains essential oil. Important active ingredients are Phenolcarbonic acids and Flavonoids.
- It is recommended to drink 3-4 times a day.
₺ 100.00
Sold in 100 gr. packages.
Expert Opinion
ANASON (Anisi fructus)
Plant : Pimpinella anisum- Contents: Aniseed Does not contain additives and preservatives.
- Storage Conditions: After opening, store in a dry and cool place.
- Usage Advice: 1 tablespoon aniseed is brewed with 1 cup boiling water for 5-7 minutes. After straining, it is ready to drink. Coffee machines can be preferred for best results.
₺ 150.00
Available in 50 gr. packages.
- Table of Contents
- DEFNE Laurus nobilis
- OLIVE Thymus vulgaris
- PEPPERONI Rosmarinus officinalis
- Storage Conditions: Store in a cool and dry place.
- Usage Advice: Brew 1 tablespoon of herbal mixture with 1 cup boiling water for 10 minutes. After straining, it is ready to drink. It can be consumed 3 times a day.
- Does not contain additives and preservatives.
- Table of Contents
₺ 290.00
Available in 250 ml. packages.
Expert Opinion
Drog Name : Safflower Seed Oil
Latin Plant Name : Punicae granatae seminae oleum- Obtained by cold press technique. Does not contain preservatives and additives.
- Safflower Seed Oil is an oil with high nutritional value with % 72% linoleic acid (omega 6) and % 18% oleic acid content among polyunsaturated fatty acids.
- It is registered as a functional food.
₺ 145.00
Available in 250 ml. packages.
Expert Opinion
Latin Plant Name: Helianthus anuus
Turkish Plant Name: Sunflower, Sunflower
Drog name: Helianthi Oleum (Sunflower Oil)- Sunflower oil obtained by cold pressing contains valuable unsaturated fatty acids.
- Since it is a natural oil, it can be used in salads, sauces or dishes after cooking, not for cooking or frying.
- Sunflower oil has a lower vitamin K content than other oils.
Out of Stock
₺ 275.00Available in 50 ml. packages.
Expert Opinion
Latin Name : Juglans regia L.
Turkish Plant Name : Walnut
Drog Name : Juglandis regiae nucum Oleum (Walnut Oil)- Ceviz Yağı içeriğinde doymamış yağ asitlerinden Linoleik asit (Omega-6) %57,50 , Linolenik asit ( Omega-3) %13,78, Oleik asit ( Omega-9) %18,71 oranında bulunmaktadır. Ayrıca Araşidik ve Ekosenoik asitler de düşük oranda da olsa doymamış yağ asitleri olarak bulunurlar.
- Among saturated fatty acids, palmitic acid %6.65, stearic acid % 2.92 and palmitoleic acid %0.14 are very low.
- Walnut Oil is registered to be used as a functional food.
- Allergic reactions may be observed in hypersensitive people.
₺ 120.00 – ₺ 360.00
Available in 50 or 250 ml. packages.
Expert Opinion
Latin Plant Name: Nigella sativa L.
Turkish Plant Name: Nigella
Drog Name Nigellae sativae oleum (Black Cumin Oil)- Black cumin seeds are cold pressed to produce fixed oil. The seeds carry both essential oil and fixed oil.
- Black cumin oil is rich in essential fatty acids, especially Linoleic acid (Omega-6) and Oleic acid (Omega-9).
- Black cumin oil contains thymohydroquinone, selenium, zinc, iron, copper and calcium minerals.
- For food purposes, black cumin oil can also be used in bread making due to its special aroma and as a dressing for salads by mixing it with balsamic vinegar.
- Allergic reactions may be observed in hypersensitive individuals. In this case, use should be discontinued.
₺ 120.00
Sold in 200 gr. packages.
Production Technique : Produced by mechanical method without heat treatment.
Ingredients : % 100 Nettle Seeds.
Does not contain additives and preservatives.- Nettle seed granules are rich in oligosaccharides, oligosaccharides, minerals such as calcium, potassium and silica acid, with a fixed oil reduced to around % 8-10 and a protein content of % 30.
- Granülünde özellikle %30u aşan kaliteli bir protein fonksiyonu, %8,5 kadar yağ ve önemli miktarda oligoşekerlerin varlığı söz konusudur.
- It can be used directly as a dietary supplement or mixed with pure honey, royal jelly and propolis.
₺ 100.00 – ₺ 200.00
Available in 200 or 500 gr. packages.
Expert Opinion
- Flax granule is a non-heat-treated, high-tech nutritional product containing % 34% protein, % 40% dietetic fiber and % 0.7% digestible lignans with a fixed fat content of around % 8 - 10.
- In the production of flax granules, although no heat treatment is applied, this tissue is crushed and crumbled under pressure and the coarse ones are separated by sieving, thus preventing the granules from being irritating, while the lignans contained in the bark tissue are made available.
- The proportion of mineral compounds such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, copper, zinc, selenium and boron that the body can optimally utilize in flax granules is around %3.
- The vitamin-rich granules contain beta carotene, a natural and active precursor of vitamin A, B-complex (B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, folic acid, etc.) and vitamin E (active tocopherol).
- It is composed of soluble and insoluble dietetic fibers that swell and dissolve in half. Together, proteins and fibers bind significant amounts of water and gel.
₺ 130.00 – ₺ 290.00
Available in 10 or 50 ml. packages.
Latin Plant Name : Urtica pilulifera L.
Turkish Plant Name : Nettle
Drog Name : Urticae Piluliferae Oleum (Nettle Seed Oil)It is a fixed oil obtained from the seeds of the nettle plant (Urtica pilulifera L.) by cold pressing technique.
Isırganotu tohumu yağı doymamış yağ asitlerince zengin olup (%90), yapısında %73 oranında Linoleik asit (Omega 6), %15 oranında Oleik asit (Omega 9) bulundurmaktadır.
It can be consumed alone to supplement the diet or as an additive in salads, sauces and appetizers