Adopting a healthy lifestyle starts with consuming the right foods. As BÜKAŞ, we are committed to a healthy and...
Organic Herbal and Fruit Teas
Sage in all its naturalness
Does not contain additives and preservatives.
Organic Herbal and Fruit Teas
Does not contain additives and preservatives.
Organic Natural
Cold pressing of ripe fruits of the olive tree.
These aromatic treasures from nature, each carefully selected, transform like magic when they touch your dishes.
Shopping on BÜKAŞ e-commerce site is pleasant and easy! We make your shopping experience perfect with a wide range of products, reliable service and fast delivery.
Don't miss out! These products are not on the shelves for long! Don't wait any longer to try these products!
Available in 250 or 50 ml. packages.
Expert Opinion
Latin Plant Name : Sesamum indicum L.
Turkish Plant Name : Sesame
Drugs Name : Sesami Oleum (Sesame Oil)
Available in 50 or 250 ml. packages.
Expert Opinion
Latin Plant Name: Nigella sativa L.
Turkish Plant Name: Nigella
Drog Name Nigellae sativae oleum (Black Cumin Oil)
It is offered for sale in 150 gr. packages.
Expert Opinion
Rosehip Rosa canina - Rosae pseudofructus
Dried apple Malus communis - Mali communi fructus
Available in 200 gr. packages.
Expert Opinion
Pomegranate seed powder, which is prepared from pomegranate seeds by applying a special technology and brought to a certain particle size, is rich in crude fiber and pectin. Pomegranate seeds are one of the main sources of isoflavones Genistein and Daidzein.
Available in 50 ml. packages.
Expert Opinion
Vitis viniferae seminae oleum
Latin Plant Name : Vitis vinifera
Turkish Plant Name : Grape
Drog Name : Vitis viniferae seminae oleum (Grape Seed Oil)
Available in 50 ml. packages.
Expert Opinion
Latin Plant Name : Prunus armeniaca
Turkish Plant Name : Apricot
Drug Name : Pruni armeniaceae oleum
Don't miss out! These products are not on the shelves for long! Don't wait any longer to try these products!
Sold in 200 gr. packages.
Production Technique : Produced by mechanical method without heat treatment.
Ingredients : % 100 Nettle Seeds.
Does not contain additives and preservatives.
500 ya da 250 ml. normal ve 250 ml. Butik Şişe ambalajlarında satışa sunulmaktadır.
Expert Opinion
OLIVE OIL (Olivae oleum)
Available in 250 or 50 ml. packages.
Expert Opinion
Latin Plant Name : Sesamum indicum L.
Turkish Plant Name : Sesame
Drugs Name : Sesami Oleum (Sesame Oil)
Available in 50 ml. packages.
Expert Opinion
Latin Plant Name : Prunus armeniaca
Turkish Plant Name : Apricot
Drug Name : Pruni armeniaceae oleum
Available in 50 gr. packages.
Available in 10 or 50 ml. packages.
Latin Plant Name : Urtica pilulifera L.
Turkish Plant Name : Nettle
Drog Name : Urticae Piluliferae Oleum (Nettle Seed Oil)
It is a fixed oil obtained from the seeds of the nettle plant (Urtica pilulifera L.) by cold pressing technique.
Isırganotu tohumu yağı doymamış yağ asitlerince zengin olup (%90), yapısında %73 oranında Linoleik asit (Omega 6), %15 oranında Oleik asit (Omega 9) bulundurmaktadır.
It can be consumed alone to supplement the diet or as an additive in salads, sauces and appetizers
Available in 200 gr. packages.
Expert Opinion
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